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Interest Rate Calculator
Calculate your monthly repayments based on your loan amount.Compound Interest Rate Calculator
Calculate your monthly repayments based on your loan amount.Singapore Stamp Duty Calculators
Calculate your stamp duties for your property purchase.Singapore TDSR Calculator
Calculate your TDSR based on your monthly income and expenses.Singapore Mortgage Calculator
Calculate your monthly repayments based on your loan amountSingapore CPF Calculator
Calculate your CPF savings and interest based on your monthly contributions.Hottest Products
How to Use Bestplan - Your Guide to Smart Comparisons
Discover the potential of comparison in 3 easy steps. From selecting your desired product category to uncovering the best deals, we have streamlined the process to help you compare easily!
- 1. Select Your Category
Start by selecting the category of products or services you are interested to compare. Whether it is mobile plans, broadband packages, or credit cards, we have got you covered.
- 2. Compare with Ease
Utilise our intuitive tools to compare products effortlessly. Easily sort, filter, and use side-by-side comparison tables to find the best fit for your requirements and preferences.
- 3. Discover & Enjoy!
Once you find the perfect match, don't forget to check out the latest promotions and exclusive deals! We regularly update our site with the hottest offers, ensuring that you get the best value for your choice. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the results of your smart comparison! 😎
About Us
Welcome to Bestplan - Where Value Meets Convenience!
We believe in making life simpler and more rewarding for everyone. Whether you are searching for the perfect mobile plan, the most competitive broadband package, or the best deals and promotions, Bestplan is here to guide you every step of the way.
Our intuitive platform helps you effortlessly compare various product categories, from banking and finance to utilities and beyond! With handy features like sorting, filtering, and detailed comparisons, finding the best deals on the market has never been easier.
And we don't stop there. Our Interactive Calculators are designed to provide you with accurate and invaluable information on everything from mortgage breakdowns to stamp duty obligations, giving you what you need to make informed and calculated decisions.
So join us on Bestplan and embark on a journey of discovery, savings, and good vibes together. Because when it comes to making the right financial choices, we've got you covered 😊
"Information is just bits of data. Knowledge is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending them."
-Ram Dass

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